By Brandon Aguilar

The power of the Internet is also its weakness: Everything said lives there forever, and can reach everyone. So if someone decides to say something negative about you or your business, it can have immediate, drastic, and terrible consequences. And because of the way the Internet is designed, it has been very difficult to get those negative things removed, regardless of their validity.

Probably the greatest strength of the Internet though is in its adaptability. Its willingness to cooperate. So there are ways to get the negative stuff off the radar, to start fixing the damage to your business. The rise of reputation repair services has proven that there are ways to dodge the curse of the permanent insult.

Libellous Internet Accusations Can be Squashed

It's all about links, you understand. The more sites which link to a site, the higher it'll rank. So the reputation repair service uses good old search engine optimization to put content above the sites with the bad stuff, which forces it down like dinosaur bones. It can drop five search pages or more. At that point, like the dinos, it's ancient history.

The services naturally fill the space with content that's more positive for you or your business. It's a way of restoring your reputation without having to go to court or get into long arguments with some random blog owner. And most importantly it gets people's eyes back on the good points of your business, where, of course, you want them to be.

Libellous Accusations Aren't Forever

Of course, you don't have to be fighting negative content to use one of these services. If you're a business that wants to climb to the top of the search engines, the techniques will work the same way. Though it's all electric and virtual, the old saying is true that cream rises to the top. And this kind of exposure, when it it positive, can be better than all the billboards and magazine ads and newspaper inserts and poorly copied flyers stapled to every single telephone pole in your town.

That Internet is one wacky place, I tell you. Well, I don't need to tell you. You're already here! And so it's probably also clear to you that you have an online image, whether you run a business or are just looking for a job. And so, for my sake, remember to take good care of that image. Don't turn your back on it or sure as you're sitting there at your keyboard someone will come along and tinker with it, ruin it, control it if they can. It's not that hard. But it's also not that hard to defend it, if you know where to go.

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