By Musa Aykac

If you have a blog then you may find it difficult to fit in the time to update this regularly. The evenings might be the only time you ever get to do this. Because life can be so hectic, our blogs often get neglected.

This is a shame because if we go a long time without posting we can lose loyal readers; this is not something you want if you have spent months trying to build up your readership. Wouldn't it be great if we could post during those times where we did have nothing to do but aren't near our computers; for example when we are commuting to work on public transport. Well believe it or not, we actually can update our blogs at these times by using a mobile device.

Mobile device technology is all the time improving and is making it much easier for us to blog from one of these devices. Our blogs can be updated not only with text entries from devices like the iPad or iPhone, but it is also possible to add things such as audio, pictures and video. This means that we now have no excuse to keep our blogs updated.

And it could even get to the stage where we could use toilet breaks to update our blogs; what a great way to multitasking. One of the best things about mobile blogging is the fact that we can update our blogs as and when events happen when it is freshest in our minds.

It really does make sense to take advantage of mobile blogging if you want to keep your visitors happy. Your posts will be much more interesting if you can update them immediately because what often happens with so many people is that they forget about a great idea that they have had because they haven't updated when they thought about it. Every time you get a great idea, you can post it up straight away with mobile blogging.

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