By Jon Izzard

It is a sadness that geeks are regarded as being in someway strange or weird. Our civilisation is now at a position where it relies almost wholly upon those who would be viewed as geeks by those who think of themselves to be un-nerd. And yet for everything from search engine optimisation to creating the most useful and complicated IT systems it is the army of nerds that turn them out. When you consider the least geeky kinds such as armed forces personnel, their lives depend upon the astonishingly clever weapons they use. The Apache helicopter for instance is made to identify and prioritise hundreds of targets at once and can release a missile that will sort out it's own point of ingress into the building it's been fired at. Systems built by the nerds.

If somebody was a low level nerd, then working for an affordable SEO company would be perfect as a technical understanding isn't necessary but if you are very capable already but wanting to do more, then getting into software consultancy is the way to go. But, focussing on search engine optimisation as a hugely vital operation, making the client's site visible to their potential buyers is the make or break between the business continuing or not. The benefit a good affordable SEO company gives is that for a fixed budget, the links to the webpages can be shown to unlimited visitors. Ad-word campaigns with a fixed daily limit have the built in downside that when the budget limit is attained, the link is no longer displayed and you still pay whether the visitor buys something on the site or not.

Having done, and going on with, software consultancy as well, I can proclaim with some certainty that it is a lot less pleasurable although the best fun stage is having written the program, testing it and discovering the parts that are faulty and amending them. That really is a delight notwithstanding the dire frustration when you can't understand why it is not doing what it's meant to be since after a bit you just know that the fix is very simple and looking you in the face.

But the software consultancy I usually do now is advising small companies on the software they utilise in their companies and how they can find the best and most recent versions and updates. So many companies I have found use very old versions which aren't really up to the task, particularly when they pass files and data with customers, suppliers and other interested parties as the day will dawn when they can't read a file at all. Which can be humiliating at best, and perilous at worst as there will be a stop on any work until the position is remedied.

But the finest thing by far, is search engine optimisation just since it is such an important service and although it is a bit of a black art, it is fairly straightforward and very enjoyable. And, as long as one stays an affordable SEO company, the relationship with the customer should be a long one as the job is endless to get the client's site at the peak of the search results and then keep it there. And since the nature of the task is predicated on results then expenditure can be regulated, and if needed, further pages can be supplemented to the SEO portfolio.

The customers might be the most rugged specimens known among the species, they could be the picture postcard of cool and sophistication, but it's the geeks that keep them supported but, happily they will be well out of the way, unseen but indispensible.


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